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Sujet: GARGANTUA » LMS Bellamy Dim 27 Sep 2015 - 21:55 gargantua
► D'après une étude de l'université de Cambridge, il s'agirait du lézard le plus mignon du monde► Ok c'est un mensonge, mais faut quand même avouer qu'il est chou► Il l'a appelé Gargantua parce qu'il trouvait ça classe► Sauf qu'il a jamais remarqué que c'était une femelle, et non pas un mâle► Gargantua adore les céréales. Surtout ceux au miel
Spoiler: Code: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <center><div id="game1"><div class="game1t">[color=#02B296]B[/color]ellamy <sub>to {USERNAME}</sub></div><div class="game1w">A long time there... There was a balloon man, right ? When I first heard that story, I was so stupid that I actually enjoyed it... But really, the story was horrible. Driven solely by his dreams he used his balloons to disapear into the sky. The people watching made a big fuss about it... But no one really tried to stop it. There's no telling where the wind will take you. And he knew that one day his fuel, his ''freedom'' would run out, and he'd fall into the black ocean. To fly... that feeling is the most important thing. But instead of the dark clouds that drive people from the sky... There must be a chain to keep them grounded. The time will come, for those with the ability to fly away, while everyone else can only watch. Using their own wings, their own power... soaring as far as they can without aid. Because... Because that is what it means to fly.</div></div><div style="width: 310px; font-family: arial; text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 7px;"><a href="">© lauz</a></div></center>
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Sujet: Re: GARGANTUA » LMS Bellamy Sam 3 Oct 2015 - 23:38 De : Orest A : Bellamy
Si c'était pas des titans mais des caravanes qui tombaient du ciel... ça ferait Gitanfall !!!
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